Friday, March 30, 2012


An elegant and visually exciting dessert pancake, the French Crepe Suzette  is sure to impress and please the dinner crowd!

1 1/4 c. sifted flour 
1 tsp. salt 
2 eggs, beaten 
1 c. milk 
1 tbsp. salad oil 
4 tbsp. butter
Combine the flour and salt. Gradually add the eggs and the milk, beating steadily until the mixture is smooth and completely free of lumps. Add the oil and beat 1 minute longer. Chill for 2 hours.Place a small piece of butter in a 6 inch frying pan and when it begins to bubble pour 2 tablespoons of the batter into it and turn from side to side, to spread the batter evenly and thinly. Cook over very low heat for 1 minute, then turn over and cook for about 30 seconds. Remove carefully to a plate. Repeat the process until the batter is used up. Be very careful not to tear the pancakes when removing them from the pan. With a little practice it is possible to work with two frying pans at the same time.
The pancakes may be filled with jam or jelly and then rolled up. Serve about 3 to a portion. They may also be served with the following Suzette Sauce.

3 tbsp. sugar
4 tbsp. butter
3/4 c. orange juice
2 tbsp. grated orange rind
2 tsp. grated lemon rind
1/4 c. curacao or Grand Marnier
1/4 c. brandy

Cream the sugar and butter together. Place in a skillet and add the orange juice and orange and lemon rind. Cook over very low heat until the sugar is completely melted, stirring occasionally. Add the liqueur. Fold each pancake in half then fold again so as to bring the opposite corners together, forming a pie-shaped wedge. Carefully place each folded pancake in the sauce and heat thoroughly. Place the pancakes and sauce in a serving dish. Heat the brandy, set it on fire, then pour it over the pancakes and serve flaming.

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