Thursday, May 31, 2012

No Sweat Desserts

by Chewy
photo by Tombre
Why do we like to bake in the fall and winter? Because heating up the kitchen is a plus during these seasons. Not so much in the summer when the mercury is hovering at 90 and above. Those of us who love the heat (La Confectionista) are too busy with outdoor activities to be bothered with creating confections. Those of us who don’t (Chewy) are too busy trying to figure out whether to hibernate in a meat locker or just have blocks of ice delivered to the house to recline upon. In the basement. With a TV and a remote control. Neither of these activities mean forgoing dessert. In fact, while most of the world packs on the pounds during winter, I tend to do it in the summer. In the basement. With a TV and a remote control.

I started thinking about the sweets that can be made without turning on the oven and was surprised at all the options. The first, and most obvious, is ice cream. I am a big fan of Cuisinart’s ice cream maker (not a paid spokesperson)  and have had much success with simple recipes. After placing all the ingredients in the frozen “pot”, you can be eating ice cream in as little as twenty minutes. This does take a little forethought as you need to freeze the container for 24 hours. What this fuels is anticipation and makes it all that much sweeter when you finally get to delve in.

There is a wonderful website (yes, I will share) that is partially devoted to the non-baked dessert. With recipes like Popcorn Cake, Raspberry Cheese Cake, and Chocolate Peanut Butter Torte Cake, there is no shortage of the yum factor and no straining of the air conditioner. You can find these and others at Recipes 4 Cakes
Plenty of choices to last you all summer.

Why this has never occurred to me before makes me question my whole IQ level. Where do we go to cook in the summer so we don’t heat up the kitchen? Out on the patio sits our ersatz oven, the BBQ grill. Many of us have tried grilled fruit, either skewered on a kabob or sliced and directly placed on the grill. The heat really brings out the sweet and caramelizes the natural sugar. Fancier fare is available in the form of Baked Alaska and Cherry Chocolate and Bailey’s Irish Cream Cherry Pie.  While I am sure I could find BBQ dessert recipes from women, I found it interesting that the majority of recipes I found came from men. Apparently an outdoor grill brings out a man’s inner dessert meister as well.

  Cherry Chocolate and Bailey’s Irish Cream Cherry Pie 

Not to be overlooked is the Directory of Delish on this website. Feel free to roam around, select you genre and enjoy at your selected establishment. While you’re there, would you ask if they deliver to basements?

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