Tuesday, September 25, 2012

“C” is for Cookie!

by Chewy

My Sesame Street days are over. I’ve  paid my dues with years of endless sing-a-longs, counting with the Count, and celebrating the letter of the day (Wasn’t that a great sponsor? All those days “brought to us by the letter ___” meant no commercials!). Oscar was one of my favorites as I connected with him on so many levels, grouchy being the least of them. Wouldn’t it be nice to be as blissfully clueless as Elmo, wandering through lift in wonderment and joy? I was always jealous of Cookie Monster. He could eat as MANY cookies as he wanted, no limit. And yet he kept his svelte figure, no cavities, no detrimental consequences whatsoever. Now there is someone worthy of jealousy.

Speaking of Cookie, can you think of him without humming his theme song? “C is for cookie. That’s good enough for me!”! Now that I have put that tune in your head for the rest of the day (Bwahahaha) let’s consider a few other comments from the big CM: “Me want cookie!”, “Me eat cookie!” and the finale to it all, “Om nom nom nom!”. But, here’s a trivia question for you: What is Cookie Monster’s favorite cookie? If you said chocolate chip, you are wrong. His preference runs to good old fashioned sugar cookie. You need proof, don’t you?

Apparently Cookie doesn’t just EAT cookies, he bakes them as well and he has his very own original cookie recipe that has recently resurfaced (kind of like the Rosetta Stone). It debuted first in the 1970’s publication, “Big Bird’s Busy Book”. Here, in his own words, is his friendly introduction to this recipe:

“Dear Reader, Hello, There! Me Cookie Monster and my favorite thing is eating cookies. In this wonderful set of books me going to show you how make all kinds of cookies! But first…..me tell you secret recipe for Cookie Dough ( It been in my family for years.)”

For those who don’t have, can’t find, or won’t pay for the above best seller, I’m sure that as long as we keep this secret between just us, Cookie Monster won’t mind if I share his recipe with you.  The instructions are as follows:

© Lksstock | Stock Free Images & Dreamstime Stock Photos
Cookie Monsters Original Cookie Recipe

¾ cup unsalted butter or margarine, softened
1 cup sugar
2 eggs, slightly beaten
1 teaspoon vanilla  
2 ½ cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt

Medium sized mixing bowl
Measuring cup and spoon  
A fork

1. Put ¾ cup of butter or margarine (that’s a stick and a half) into your mixing bowl.
2. Measure 1 cup of sugar.
3. Pour sugar over butter.
4. With fork, squash butter and sugar together until they are blended.
5. Crack open two eggs and pour eggs over mixture.
6. Measure 1 teaspoon vanilla and pour over mixture.
7. With fork, blend everything in the bowl together.
8. Measure 2 ½ cups all-purpose flour and pour over mixture in bowl.
9. Measure 1 teaspoon baking powder and sprinkle over flour.
10. Measure 1 teaspoon salt and sprinkle over flour and baking powder.
11. Mix everything together, either with a fork or with your hands. (Is there any doubt which one I will use? Ten finger squeeze for me!)
12. Put dough in icebox to chill for at least one hour.

photo by schleicher
Cookie Monster says you can make lots of dough at once, and save it in a plastic bag in your freezer for future baking.

But “Wait!” you say. “Do we bake these or just eat the dough out of the bag?”. Not a bad option, and CM doesn’t really say, so here are some approximates to pull off  the cookie baking caper. Chewy recommends that you roll out the cookie dough about ¼ inch thick, cut into shapes (the Sesame Street gang would be appropriate), sprinkle with sugar and bake at 400 degrees for 8-10 minutes or until slightly golden at edges.


  1. Just a quick note to let you know that the link you put in to Food on Friday: Avocado has been showcased today in my Need Some Inspiration? Series. Cheers

    Ps I have just signed up to follow you by email - a follow back to Carole's Chatter would be wonderful!

  2. Thank you so much for following Carole's Chatter. I hope your week is going really well.
