Monday, January 24, 2011

Balanced Addiction

Ok let's just get this out of the way early.  Yes I talk about dessert all day long and yes I have a mild addiction to sugar.  No I am not flirting with diabetes nor am I 400lbs. ( 120lbs and PROUD to admit it)  In my other life I am the health junky, water nazi and good food guru.  Conversely I am not obsessive, nor bulimic.  How is this possible you say?  Balance. I don't eat a whole piece of cheesecake factory cheesecake by myself in one sitting. ( I share it with my husband and give him the half with the calories, or refrigerate it, that kills the calories like germs, right?) And fast food is all but forbidden in my home, as are things like margarine (whole post on that coming) and artificials sweeteners ( expect somethin on this too, it does not apply to my diabetic friends, but I'm lookin at the rest of you!).  My desserts are kept in their belly!  But seriously, I just want to put it out there that I'm not pushing gluttony, or anything unhealthy with this thing.  But rather what I want, is that when you want something sweet, go get the best, don't settle for what's there, then still be in want.  That's useless.  My point is to connect you with the best places in town to satisfy the sweet tooth correctly.  It's a "quality vs. quantity" thing.  And actually it is proven, that the higher quality sweets, tend to satisfy with less quantity... seeeee Good for you!  So go ahead, savor that brownie, indulge in that wedding cake.  But take the stairs, and make sure the brownie is WORTH you having to take the stairsThat's my rant for the day...

Stay sweet!


  1. I dislike people that dislike others..

  2. Did something I said make you think I dislike people? I'm sorry! That was not my intent at all!
